Hello! I don't usually make interactive posts, but I wanted to start writing fanfiction again after a good 6 month break.
I have a few new fics in mind I want to write, but I also wanted to try and continue my Scorpion Fanficiton – Memories.
I had recently lost motivation to continue Memories, however I have decided to try write some more content for it, but I’m in a different place than I was half a year back, and I think the fic will end up going in a different direction. (not that I have it planned out or anything)
So, to cut to the chase, I’d like to rename Memories. I have some contenders, but not quite sure what to pick out of the following;
1 – Breaking Point
2 – Shattered Minds
3 – The Edge Of Insanity
4 – Breaking the Silence
5 – Fragments of Genius
Which title is your favourite?