
Every member has a profile uploaded, correct?


I'm about to send every member another question to add to the profile book. Keep an eye on your messages. Continue to spread the word about the club. The sooner we get eaten members, the sooner we can start all the fun activities! Have a grand day!


I hope everyone had a grand Christmas and a lovely New Year! We are two members away from being an official club! Please recommend the club to your friends, and as soon as the tenth member's profile is uploaded to the book, our first event will take place!
          —Melissa J. Davidson, club organizer


Yay! Seven official members so far! Come on, we all know fans of Harry Potter, The Lord of the Rings, Marvel, and Pirates of the Caribbean, so please promote the club! Joining is easy and fun! If you have recommendations for people I should message personably and tell them about the club, please send me their username, and I'll message them. Thanks!