
this message may be offensive
All of my friend from high-school are taken and it is leaving me feeling lonely as fuck


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Okay so life update. I went out with my parents and my brother for the first time in a while and it actually was quite fun. All of us are fully vaccinated so we didnt need to wear our masks and it all in all was alot of fun. We went ATVing on some trails and then got tacos at this one place my dad found on the drive up. On the way back we did stop at this tap room, but despite my brother and I being under 21 it was still fun because we know the owners and we arrived like an hour and a half before closing so when everyone had left we were able to stay and talk. (I even talked with the owners daughter who was the grade above me in highschool and I noticed a small lesbian pride pin on her jacket, I think she may have been flirting with me but who fucking knows at this point) 
          Sarah B


It just occured to me exactly how close my best friend and I are. She just got a new boyfriend and I she wants me to meet him and, okay yeah I get that. But she doesn't just want me to meet him. She wants my younger brother and my parents to also meet him because we are basically her second family and if one of us doesnt like him she will likely be sad. Let me repeat that. She doesnt just care about what I THINK about her boyfriend, she also cares about what my little gremlin of a brother thinks of him. The first time I'm meeting her boyfriend is this Friday and it's not just me who is meeting him. My best friend, her boyfriend, my younger brother and I, are all going to see the new Conjuring movie together and depending on how her boyfriend does with horror movies will likely have a huge impact on how much my brother will like him. (Not only that but her new boyfriend is apparently REALLY tall and my brother jokingly has already said that he dislikes him solely for that reason because well, my brother is shorter than Tubbo so...) ANYWAYS I just needed to talk about that.
          Sarah B.


I dont know why my last post was so hard to post. I think its because I have some IRL friends who follow me on here and I met them through church when I was in like 3rd grade so despite knowing that they are supportive I still am anxious because I have been hurt so many times by other friends who I thought were supportive from our church community and they just weren't. Anyways, I feel a whole lot better about being myself on this account now that I have finally gotten some of that stuff off of my chest.
          Sarah B.


Happy Pride month everyone! I dont know if I ever formally came out but I guys now is as good of a time as ever. (If I dont do this now I dont think I ever will and I know that you guys will be supportive so I am using this almost as a trial run to come out before I come out to my parents next week) so... 
          My name is Sarah and I am nonbinary and I am pansexual. My pronouns are they/them and I have been going by these pronouns on online spaces for about a year now however I am finally comfortable enough to tell my parents and I am working towards using They/Them pronouns in real life and telling people outside of the internet that these are my pronouns. 
          Thank you for all of your support and kindness. 
          Sarah B.