
Hey guys first off happy new year, okay so as my last announcement I am right pretty much done with that work. But the reason I haven’t got it done sooner is because I was dealing relationships/friendship problems and by the time the drama is done Christmas was coming up so yeah I back at writing.


Hey guys first off happy new year, okay so as my last announcement I am right pretty much done with that work. But the reason I haven’t got it done sooner is because I was dealing relationships/friendship problems and by the time the drama is done Christmas was coming up so yeah I back at writing.


Again sorry if I’m behind on schedule, at first I stopped writing because I can’t think what to do for chapter five, then I got distracted with my birthday(I’m now f*******), and now I’m distracted with my school starting second quarter and Halloween coming up(which it’s my favorite holiday). So I try to publish chapter five this week.


Hey guys sorry if I’m late on chapter four because on Monday I was taking a break, Tuesday I started it, Wednesday I had problems for what to do for chapter four. So I try to get it published either later tonight or tomorrow night