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...Crack headed idea?: Draco barged into the room, slytherins, (Daphne , astronia (?) , pansy, mille, blaise, theo, crabbe, goyle.) Tom riddle, severus snape, hermione granger, and harry potter (but he is tom's son. Sev x tom), lucius and Narcissa all jump and look at him. "Im bored." "Really Draco? Lucius teach your son manners." Before anyone could speak draco walked up to him and slapped tom making everyone gasp. "Did you just slap m-!" "Now listen here you fucking nose-less snake looking bastard. You may not look like your Lord Voldermort right now but you were and still can be. Also father already taught me manners you ketchup eyed bitch. Now you will make me not bored if you like it or not." Tom was about to make a comment but Draco slapped him again but harder and somehow made him bleed. "Alright tom, lets just listen to the boy before we all get hurt." Riddle stood up looking down at the shorter boy and pulled out his wand to just scare Draco but, Draco snatched the wand and threw it down on the floor and stomped on it not breaking his eye contact with Tom. Draco then pulled out a random large shotgun from his pocket (girl jean pockets that dont have a literal use) and pointed it at Tom. "Well Tom, what shall we do first to make me unbored." Everyone was in pure shock and fear mainly fear from tom. "...Lets go on a shopping spree. Draco you can buy whatever you want ill pay for it." Tom said shaking and Draco smiled and rushed to his room to get ready. Random Crackheaded Idea Burst of Energy Is Completed. (Now should this be put something like this in a book-?)
@Fandomdrarry17 I LOVE THIS. If I make a one-shot book (go to my profile and do the Google form thats there if you want one) I definitely wanna include this. If I have permission, ofc
...Crack headed idea?: Draco barged into the room, slytherins, (Daphne , astronia (?) , pansy, mille, blaise, theo, crabbe, goyle.) Tom riddle, severus snape, hermione granger, and harry potter (but he is tom's son. Sev x tom), lucius and Narcissa all jump and look at him. "Im bored." "Really Draco? Lucius teach your son manners." Before anyone could speak draco walked up to him and slapped tom making everyone gasp. "Did you just slap m-!" "Now listen here you fucking nose-less snake looking bastard. You may not look like your Lord Voldermort right now but you were and still can be. Also father already taught me manners you ketchup eyed bitch. Now you will make me not bored if you like it or not." Tom was about to make a comment but Draco slapped him again but harder and somehow made him bleed. "Alright tom, lets just listen to the boy before we all get hurt." Riddle stood up looking down at the shorter boy and pulled out his wand to just scare Draco but, Draco snatched the wand and threw it down on the floor and stomped on it not breaking his eye contact with Tom. Draco then pulled out a random large shotgun from his pocket (girl jean pockets that dont have a literal use) and pointed it at Tom. "Well Tom, what shall we do first to make me unbored." Everyone was in pure shock and fear mainly fear from tom. "...Lets go on a shopping spree. Draco you can buy whatever you want ill pay for it." Tom said shaking and Draco smiled and rushed to his room to get ready. Random Crackheaded Idea Burst of Energy Is Completed. (Now should this be put something like this in a book-?)
@Fandomdrarry17 I LOVE THIS. If I make a one-shot book (go to my profile and do the Google form thats there if you want one) I definitely wanna include this. If I have permission, ofc
Hello! I noticed that we have common interests and wanted to know if you wanna be friends..? Or maybe just someone to talk to? Ik we’re both strangers to each other but i just want online friends to talk to tbh oh but if you dont wanna be friends then thats fine i totally get why you wouldn’t wanna be friends and dont worry im not bad... atleast i think i am.. no but seriously im not a bad person and i just want online friends soo... Do you mind being friends with me?
Thank you for accepting *whew* I actually thought you were gonna refuse cuz most people i ask are like that
I might just fucking write a story and go with it!
Brokenspirt- (Im so sorry for responding so late and they are all gonna be updated as soon as i can figure out how to get my new chapters up-)
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