Im not sure how many of you guys actually read my messages, but I just wanted to get this off my chest.
Christmas Eve around 11:40 P.M. my beloved babygirl got hit by someone who didn't bother to stop or slow down to see what they hit in the road. She just turned one around Thanksgiving. She was my beautiful girl and Im so so sorry this happened to her. When we found her, she was already gone and didn't seem to have suffered before passing. This is a small reminder to please, please PLEASE keep a close eye on your fur babies when you live next to a busy street.
Her name was Midnight and I got her when she was just a puppy, she could fit in both my hands. She got so big and was such a sweet, good dog to have around. Bc of an abusive ex, I took her with me to my mom's house and she soon became the family dog. She loved to play with the kids and give hugs and kisses to everyone.
I hope you guys have a better Christmas than I will, and that's sincere from the bottom of my heart.
Bye guys..