Hello thanks for following me fellow Dramione shipper haha. I followed back Sorry for the multiple comments on your story but I know how hard it is to type and come up with a good plot since I too am trying to write my first Dramione fanfic. So I know how it feels to want some feedback on your work :) And so far I am enjoying it. :) It's different from the other Dramione stories that I read so far :) Keep it up! And hope we can be friends :)

I'm lucky enough to live in England (if you count the constant rain and lack of major celebrities at comic con as lucky) if you ever come here, be prepared to use an umbrella for at least 80% of the time :D I'll check out your work as soon as I get a chance!

Ok I thought you might find me annoying. And I just really wanted to comment and vote to give you the feedback you deserve for creating a good story. :) Really I am kinda shy, I don't know if it might be good as yours. Since I feel like my English is a fifth grade level. But if you do I hope you like it. Your welcome I will continue reading the chapters on your story I stopped last night when I fell asleep. Oh and btw not to sound nosy but do you really live in England? I just saw it on your WATTPAD location. :) But you don't need to answer it if you don't like. It's just cool if you did. After all Hogwarts is located in London. Hahaha ok I am lame. Sorry for that haha. I hope one day I may be fortunate enough to go and explore England.

Don't worry about the multiple comments! They've made my day I can check your story out later on if you'd like! Thank you so much for your kind words and comments ☺️