
* if u are not a chicken put this on your wall and see what people rate u :
          	1. Crazy 
          	2.I'd marry u 
          	3. I'd date u
          	4. Sarcastic 
          	5. I'd miss u
          	6. I'd kiss u
          	7. Beautiful
          	8. Smart
          	9. Imaginative
          	10. Radom
          	11. Sweet
          	13. amazing 
          	14. Tough
          	15. Cute
          	16.hug me
          	17. Love me
          	18. Sleep with me
          	19. Friends forever
          	20.marry me?
          	21. Your mine
          	22.i'd never want to lose u
          	23. I would make love to u
          	24. I would sing to u 
          	25 . Party with me 
          	26. Dance with me 
          	27.Go shopping with me 
          	28. now !
          	29. Call or text me 
          	30. Lap dance
          	PLZ RATE !!!
          	...This is just to prove I'm not chicken alright? XD 


* if u are not a chicken put this on your wall and see what people rate u :
          1. Crazy 
          2.I'd marry u 
          3. I'd date u
          4. Sarcastic 
          5. I'd miss u
          6. I'd kiss u
          7. Beautiful
          8. Smart
          9. Imaginative
          10. Radom
          11. Sweet
          13. amazing 
          14. Tough
          15. Cute
          16.hug me
          17. Love me
          18. Sleep with me
          19. Friends forever
          20.marry me?
          21. Your mine
          22.i'd never want to lose u
          23. I would make love to u
          24. I would sing to u 
          25 . Party with me 
          26. Dance with me 
          27.Go shopping with me 
          28. now !
          29. Call or text me 
          30. Lap dance
          PLZ RATE !!!
          ...This is just to prove I'm not chicken alright? XD 


WAAAA. I'm so sorry. Sorry Sorry Sorry to everyone. Espeically to the person that I said that the next chapter of Blue Rose would be coming tomorrow to. Unfortunately, Life has turned against me ONCE AGAIN! ._. And... That's all you need to know for now. I have finished typing the chapter. I just sent it over to Melanie-kun to read,edit it and send the finished result to me. Once again I'm sorry. Also, when almost done with the chapter, Wattpad (being the little prick that it sometimes is) deleted the whole chapter and left me having to rewrite it again. That's why I didn't get it posted earlier. Ahh i'm  just so sorry. Bad Admin is Bad. ;_;


"She's emo? You'd cut too, if you've been through what she has. She's anorexic? You'd be too, if everyone called you fat everyday. She's a whore? She made one mistake that cost her, her reputation. She's a show off? Her parents abused her, & she's never heard of praise. She's loud? She's invisible at home, & she wants to be heard. She's quiet? She's afraid to speak, because she's scared to get made fun of. She's fat? She eats, because she misses her dead brother. She's a geek? She wants to get into college, so she can support her poverty ridden family. She doesn't wear abrecrombie? Her parents have been out of work for months, clothes aren't her top priority if she can't even afford food. She's ugly? Tell me, what is the definition of beauty? Who are you to judge them? You know their name, not their story. REPOST if you're against bullying. I bet 99% of you won't repost this."


Boy: I'm dumping you Girl: Why? Boy: It's only for one day, to see if you can live without me. Girl: Okay. The girl walked away and went to bed. She woke up the next morning and said'I have done it!' She got up and went to her boyfriend's house. She walked in and saw the boy lying on the ground in the kitchen and his throat was slit and a note was lying beside him saying, 'You did it babe. Now you can live without me every day!' The girl was heart broken so she went home and killed herself. Repost this if you couldn't live without boyfriends, girlfriends, friends, family best friends or anyone you like, and whoever likes this couldn't live without you. If you don't repost this, it proves that you really don't care""