
        . So apparently there will be no more user to user
          	        private messaging here starting may 06. If I have
          	        a roleplay going on with you or anything like that
          	        you can reach out to me on discord. I have made
          	        an account and the username is the same as my 
          	        username on here . 


Hi you book sword play says complete but  it stops before the end of the series i was wondering if your going to finish the season or if that were it ended with her about to buy them time against the marines?


                    . Glad that you are enjoying it but my story
                    is just getting fixed and changed around.
                    I've watched the whole show already so it
                    will just take me a while to publish the
                    whole thing .


@FandomzPhantomz  okay thank u i really am enjoying it and just wondered cause other writers do the same thing or lose the show so they say complete till they can find it again 


                    . It's sword dance. I am updating it so that's
                    why it says completed when it is not. . 


Heyy I just wanted to ask why so many chapters of the sanji fic were deleted, how long till the story is complete again? (No pressure<3)


                    . Hello, the chapters weren't deleted but
                    just unpublished to be updated. I am still
                    working on it but not sure when i will 
                    finish it again. .


is crimson skies a reupload?? bc i swear ive read it before


                    . There's really no set date for when it will
                    be finished. I don't have much free time on
                    my hands but I will work on it every
                    chance I get. .


@FandomzPhantomz ohh okayyy when will it be finished do u think?? no rush tho ofc xx


hello, excuse me for disturbing you, I read your story {sword dancer} a little, I really liked it, could I translate it into French so that a larger audience can read it, I would mention you in the story in stating that you are the original author have a good evening!


                    . I am sure it is but I will still pass on it. 
                    Sorry . 


It’s free and it’s just for people to read and discover this story !


                    . Hello , I am glad you liked reading my
                    story SWORD DANCE but unfortunately I
                    do not do this kind of stuff. I do apologize.
                    I appreciate you asking though. Have a
                    good day .


hi babes^-^, what’s up how u doing :) it’s been a couple months since I last read your story, “Sweet Dreams”just reread it today, and just wondering if u heard about the new Fnaf announcement. You know what time it is. (lol if you don’t remember me That’s OK too just look back in the comments)


                    . That's good. I haven't been active much.
                    That's probably why I haven't heard the
                    news yet .


@FandomzPhantomz  yes, everything’s been going good ^-^ and I’m surprised that you haven’t heard. It’s on their insta about The next movie that’s released for next year.


                    . Hello ,  I've been well. I hope it's the same
                    for you as well. I did have to look back but
                    yes , I remember now. I have not heard of
                    the new fnaf announcement though . 


        . So apparently there will be no more user to user
                  private messaging here starting may 06. If I have
                  a roleplay going on with you or anything like that
                  you can reach out to me on discord. I have made
                  an account and the username is the same as my 
                  username on here . 


        ( Hello , Fandomzbitz here. )
                  ( I just wanted to post a message on
                  here that if my updates on books have
                  been slow, it is because I am currently
                  not motivated to write. It doesn't give
                  me the joy it usually does at this time.
                  This does not mean that I am going to
                  quit writing. It will just be slower to be
                  update. Another factor is my birthday
                  is coming up this monday and I am 
                  busy planning what I want to do that
                  day. Thank you for understanding! )
                  ( ¿ ^ ¿ )