- VERY IMPORTANT - Message to any or all Warriors lovers! We need more authors for Frostbite! There's only the three of us, so we... I've decided we need more "admins" so to speak. However, they will only be allowed to write on Frostbite, and Frostbite only. I'm sorry, but it's a must. If you don't like that, you do not have to sign up. [But continue reading please, it's important] Anyways, so if you are fine with this guidelines and are willing to make this commitment, either dm this account or my personal account, @AnnabethFan26 to sign up. Preferably my personal since I am way more active there. I hope you consider signing up! Also, you can also sign up to be an admin of this account and write other stories as well! Just include at the end of the sign up that you want to be an admin, or admin/FBW. FBW stands for Frostbite Writer. Anyways, I think that's all! Thanks for reading this long thing lmao. - PotatoNugget

Oh! You can also just put FBW at the end of the sign up if you don't want to make the full commitment and only want to write Frostbite.♡ - PotatoNugget