"You can't fuel on gay dick Bubala"

"No! Let's make a jet pack because now I'm feeling attacked!"

"I have to believe I'm gonna get those $15 from Greg FUCKING GRIMALDIS"

"Welcome to bible study, we're all children of Jesus"

"Nice work Bone Daddy"

"Roses are red
violets are blue
wh...why did you leave me Karen
what did I do?"

"Too gay to function"

"Perhaps my faith is stronger then yours. I've spoken for many minutes about my love for Jesus and his terrible bible"

"Hey thug! What's your name? I'm about to tentacle your dick!"

"Merry Christmas!
It's still September Tim."

"It's better then drugs Jeremy....IT'S FROM JAPAAAAAAAAN"

"Hi, welcome to chili's"

"Have you seen my son? He's about this tall, clearly gay but we haven't had the talk"

"I have a message from the queen...tis' a nude"

"Move I'm gay"

"I'm dumb so I'm allowed to ask"

"Fantasy Costco, where all your dreams come true! GOT A DEAL FOR YOU!"

"Do you ever check your phone after being away from it but no notifications? Disappointmeeeent"

"Hi, thanks for checking in. I'm still a piece of garbage"

"Let it die, let it die, let it shrivel up and die"

"I'm a total trash mammal"

"My heart is a dankness but when I see you I feel a thankness"

"It's Wednesday my dudes. AHHHHHHH"

"Merry Christmas ya filthy animal"

"The fuck?! The fuck?! The fuck is in the air?! The fuck?! There's white shit everywhere!"

"I don't know what the fuck just happened but I don't care, imma get the fuck out of here. fuck this shit I'm out"
  • RegistriertSeptember 21, 2018

Letzte Nachricht
FanficsFromGen0 FanficsFromGen0 Feb 05, 2019 11:57PM
I came here to do something and I forgot I put that video in the website part of my bio and I just died 
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Bible study von FanficsFromGen0
Bible study
If you're reading this book and you aren't a friend of mine who have been tagged then fuck off. This is a pri...