
Hi, question to all my followers: would any of you be interested in me posting a few poems and crap on this account?


@Fanficwolf13 PrEpArE fOr A cHaNt Of Do It FrOm Me:
          	  dO iT
          	  dO iT
          	  dO iT
          	  dO iT
          	  dO iT
          	  dO iT
          	  dO iT
          	  dO iT
          	  dO iT
          	  dO iT


From since I was old enough to understand, I've been told to "be myself" and "be proud of who I am" 
           So how come the same people who tell me this are the ones yelling at me for washing the makeup off my arms? 
          How can I be myself, when you're making me hide the only part of me that is real?