
Whoa hello? I'm alive??
          	Yes I'm still dead inside, thanks for asking and no I don't think this account is gonna pick back up in updates or anything like that. Voltron will of course forever be a comfort show to me but I have moved on to a new fandom XD.
          	For anybody still alive and looking at my account (yes I'm looking at you) I have jumped ship to ao3! And tho I may not be writing voltron centered stuff anymore I have joined the mild dumpster fire known as Genshin Impact! Over there I write the occasional fic most of which are centered around the ragbros or alhaitham and the sumeru gang, heavy angst is still a thing in the majority of my fics so woo for that I suppose! Username is RagbrosCamomile for anyone wondering-
          	But yeah, hey hello nice to see you, this account will still be inactive (I found my old password today and thought I'd poke my head in-) but there will be waaay more activity on my ao3 account so I hope yall go check it out!


@Fanged_Tonight  I feel you, I just got out of my Voltron faze


Whoa hello? I'm alive??
          Yes I'm still dead inside, thanks for asking and no I don't think this account is gonna pick back up in updates or anything like that. Voltron will of course forever be a comfort show to me but I have moved on to a new fandom XD.
          For anybody still alive and looking at my account (yes I'm looking at you) I have jumped ship to ao3! And tho I may not be writing voltron centered stuff anymore I have joined the mild dumpster fire known as Genshin Impact! Over there I write the occasional fic most of which are centered around the ragbros or alhaitham and the sumeru gang, heavy angst is still a thing in the majority of my fics so woo for that I suppose! Username is RagbrosCamomile for anyone wondering-
          But yeah, hey hello nice to see you, this account will still be inactive (I found my old password today and thought I'd poke my head in-) but there will be waaay more activity on my ao3 account so I hope yall go check it out!


@Fanged_Tonight  I feel you, I just got out of my Voltron faze


*poofs out of the void*


@Fanged_Tonight I’m so happy to hear you got some stuff you’ve been working on!! I’m excited to read it!!


@Ceceblk ACK HI ITS GOOD TO BE BACK!! Actually been working on sum stuff for the first time in ages, no idea when it'll be out but I'm excited to be writing again!! ^-^




Good news! I'm getting back into the swing of writing! I recently hit a dead patch of just not wanting to write for a couple months, it was brutal, but I sat down the other night and remembered why I loved doing this so much and I think it's getting better. I can't give y'all an estimate of when the next vld shot will be out, there's a lot of funky pieces here (I'm smelling a two part shot here-) but know I'm on my way!! Wish me luck!!


          I'd read the FAQs for the recent hack on wp stating that they are emailing everyone who's info has been compromised, I'd received an email and I have changed everything I'm supposed to but along the lines of actual story content I'm entrusting y'all with the job of bringing it to my attention if you see anything out of place. I haven't updated any of my stories since the latest shot request on my one shot book so anything that has possibly happened since then should be marked as suspicious and reported to me via pm as soon as possible.
          I'm admitting this whole thing is crazy freaky and I hope this is wholy fixed soon but for now I'ma gonna hop off and get some sleep before my early shift tomorrow, night!


Oy, did anyone else get spammed with a bunch of messages in their inbox about joining some site called Rnovel??  I tried looking up the site but all that pulled up were some Facebook pages and some trippy looking sites.  Got the exact same message from NINE different profiles and all of them were created either yesterday or this morning with nearly the same name each.  Am I the only one who got this?!?!?!??


@Fanged_Tonight No many of my other friends got it and we've agreed it's spam :) just mute the accounts and ignore it