It's crazy to think that I started Wattpad 3 years ago today. It doesn't feel like that much time could have gone by, and for most of it I felt discouraged with my writing. I felt like it wasn't good enough or entertaining enough, but about a month ago I was talking with a couple of my friends and they really inspired me to keep writing. That day I went home and I decided that I wanted to re-write the story that I had already started. For the next couple of days I wrote and re-wrote what I wanted to be the beginning of my story. I was really excited about it and I had my friends and family proof read it and give me some feedback. Then a couple of days ago I made the decision to delete the chapters I had before: they just didn't seem to fit anymore, and that was kind of discouraging. It felt like all the work that I had put into my story was just gone, like it hadn't been worth anything, but it was. It was the best that I could do at that time, and now I know that I can do better. And today I am able to release the first chapter of The Unknown Island, and that feeling makes up for all of the negativity I felt before. For any of you out there like me who feel discouraged about your writing, just remember that the only way to make your writing better, and make your story grow, is to keep writing.