I deleted all my stories. Well, unpublished. I'm moving platforms so I didn't want those to still be up especially when I wasn't happy with how I wrote alot of ideas. I'm sorry to those that enjoyed them, and thank you to everyone for your support throughout my writing, it was so fun and honestly really did/is encouraging me to continue writing! I love every last one of you and appreciate you all, honestly your comments have been some of the wildest and funnest and sweetest things I've read so thank you ❤️ If you have my stuff saved, please do not post them, keep them to yourselves, that's fine- but I do plan to either rewrite most (if not all) of them or to just delete them or switch them to different fandoms. Again, I'm sorry for this but honestly Wattpad is a b sometimes and I just kinda gotta go But anyway, I loves you all, BYE ❤️❤️❤️
@Fangirl2399 Hi! I know this is a bit late but- may I know which platform you're moving into? If you don't mind me asking