
a long time ago i wrote this AU of pjo and hoo, that i remember being actually kind of interesting. and i look back to see i dELeTeD it!!!! omg i’m gonna dieee, i feel like i have to recreate it now. but i’m not sure if with pjo/hoo bc i haven’t been focused with that series in a long time. 


a long time ago i wrote this AU of pjo and hoo, that i remember being actually kind of interesting. and i look back to see i dELeTeD it!!!! omg i’m gonna dieee, i feel like i have to recreate it now. but i’m not sure if with pjo/hoo bc i haven’t been focused with that series in a long time. 


many of you know that i was a big follower of the PJO and HOO book series. i consider it one of my first fandoms i’ve ever joined. i was a huge fan re-reading all of the books at least 3 times. 
          i have left the PJO and HOO fandom, but my love for it will never cease. i stopped reading the books after “blood of olympus”, because i thought all the characters were happy. i was not planning to read trials of the apollo or any other rick riordan’s books.
          today i was spoiled of the book “the burning maze”. i have learned about one of my favorite characters death, jason grace. jason grace was one of my favorite characters in HOO, and i’m constantly defending him from the massive amount of hate he gets. jason was such an admirable character. he lived such a hard life and continued to be a great role model for all demigods. but he gets so much hate for being “too perfect” and for “abandoning” reyna for piper. but he was amazing nonetheless. he truly was a powerful halfblood and loved his friends, and was a created boyfriend to piper. 
          my day has been completely ruined because of this news. he didn’t deserve to die at the age of 17. he should have gotten old with piper and the 7, but unfortunately this didn’t happen. he had recently been reunited with his sister, thalia. but it’s terrible for me to think that she has lost him once again. jason and piper were my favorite couple in HOO, and will always be. jason will forever be one of my favorite characters, and i’m so distraught by his death. 
          i will continue to defend him from the massive amount of haters and cherish his character in HOO. he did not deserve to die, and was too good of a character to receive this unfortunate incident.


You deserve a follow for your comment on how Jason is better in some ways! I've seen so many people hate on Jason without considering his side of the story. 


 aw that's sweet, i read the lost hero before reading the pjo series. so i have always had a soft spot for HOO characters than PJO's. 