Hi! And thanks for following! Idk why but I just thought, I don't have alot of followers but, the 18 I do have I just feel I should get to know them better! So hi!
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Hi! And thanks for following! Idk why but I just thought, I don't have alot of followers but, the 18 I do have I just feel I should get to know them better! So hi!
Hi! And thanks for following! Idk why but I just thought, I don't have alot of followers but, the 18 I do have I just feel I should get to know them better! So hi!
You know what's strange you remind me of my friend. ALLOT.
Hey, I'm probably going to be deleting/abandoning this account. Just saying.
Fun fact: The first anime ever created was chikara to onna no yo no naka, it was created in 1933. The more you know ;)
@Miss_Fangirly I don't and the animation was worse then those really old mick mouse cartoons!
Omg! I went shopping with my mom and in the plaza was a store called Kirkland's! *Sees* *fangirls* *nosebleeds in the store * *dies happy*
Well.... I read my first creepy pasta. I read Jeff the killer. I think the pic is scarier then the actual story.
@FangirlSparklz Merci, mon ami. It's like that or without the underscore for Twitch, Steam, Blizzard and pretty much every other gaming thing I do XD
Finally! I've figured out why I can't find Hetalia World Twinkle English dubbed!!! The guy who voiced Brittain isn't voicing Britain anymore and they obviously never got a replacement for him!.... I cried a little inside. And the problem is I need to watch dubbed because I'm not the fastest reader when it comes to English.... :'(
@animenerd257 I know... None! But there's one girl in my class I've never talked to but she did an oral report and referred to china as a he... Ima hung her down tomorrow lol
@animenerd257 aahhh!! IKR?! I fan girl so hard every time I meet another hetalian lol.
@animenerd257 I refer the English as well. But, me and my friends agreed that Russia and Finland have the cutest male voices in Hetalia! Liechtenstein has the curtest tho.
Hey everyone don't forget to check out my book Hetalia! I'm writing this book until I come up with some awesome ideas for one of my own. I've got a few but until then check it out and thank you for the follows!
Oh ya I thought ur profile pict looked familiar. My friend recently introduced to 2p and it's awesome
@SinisterRenegadeGIRL wait, I take that back! My favorite is Flavio!! (2p Romano!)
Is your profile background Hetalia?
@SinisterRenegadeGIRL yes. It Spain, Prussia, and France. Or the Bad Touch Trio.
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