
Ayo guys I’m back but I’m not going to post anything because I don’t feel like it yet 
          	Although I might work on a Bing fanfiction because I’m sad and he brings me joy in my somewhat boring life 


I hate to announce this but I've been having an absolute garbage month and I doubt I'll be back on this account anytime soon.
          I'm sorry guys.
          It's just... like I said, garbage month. My grandma passed, I broke up with my boyfriend, and I'm graduating incredibly soon. Everything is just... extremely overwhelming right now. It's to the point where I dread getting up in the morning, I start crying as soon as I open my eyes.
          I dread the feeling of... of just not being able to live my life without either of them.
          Anyway, uhm... Have a good day... 


Okay, I just posted it: The Lucid Dream Log.
          Feel free to check it out! I uhm... 
          I have a feeling I will regret this, seeing how it's mainly just a trip down my small simp mind but hey.
          This is for science.
          (I will put a disclaimer here though: everything I say in it is completely true. No lies, no twisting the truth: everything logged into it is 100% the truth. This is basically just a frikkin diary, now that I think about it...)
          This can't be good.


This is extremely random BUT-
          While A New Era of Nightmares is on its temporary hold, I am conducting a research/science experiment.
          I am training myself to lucid dream. 
          Now, for those who don't know, lucid dreaming is something that happens when you enter deep REM sleep. If you have a dream, and you realize that it's just a dream, you will do one of either three things: wake up, stay asleep and your dream continues, OR your dream becomes lucid, allowing you to control it. This doesn't happen to everyone, but most people have experienced this at least once. Some people have come to master it; they can make their dreams become lucid because they've trained themselves so much.
          To conduct this experiment, I will be logging my dreams into a journal immediately after waking up and doing a few other things, such as regular reality tests to see if I'm dreaming. These include: touching my left pointer finger to my right palm to see if it's solid, checking the time often to see that it is progressing regularly and checking in the mirror often to see that my appearance has not been altered irregularly. 
          Now, this process could take months without results, but I am willing to do this. 
          I might start recording my findings on here as well, instead of doing a daily blog...
          Although the daily blog is fun.
          After a few minutes of contemplation, I shall record my findings on a story.
          More updates soon.


este mensaje puede ser ofensivo
Uh...not a good update but-
          Alrighty so my mother (ugh) found my story somehow and she read some, maybe even all, of it and now she's really confused and pissed off at me. 
          This is really one of the downsides to having a boyfriend who also goes by Freddy.
          But my mom won't believe me that it's NOT a story about my boyfriend omg.
          I am so fucking pissed but whatever I suppose. This is just how it has to be.
          And so: A New Era of Nightmares is on a hiatus until I can fucking move out, it might be a few months.


          And chapter 3 is in development! It might start out a little spicy as well >:)
          I have so much inspiration and ideas for this fanfic but I'm still surprised at how quickly chapter 2 came out, I'm honestly a little worried that it's boring but hopefully not. If it is, then that's too bad I guess since it introduces a few important dynamics and plot events.
          Anyway, I'm gonna shut up before I accidentally spoil it for you lmao
          Have a great day!


          In just 24 hours since posting chapter one, I have finished writing and editing chapter two for A New Era of Nightmares! I am exhausted though (I've had so many typos writing this update lmao h e l p), I'll post it tomorrow. Keep your eyes out!!! This story seems to just flow out of me, which I'm absolutely happy with. Hopefully, I can keep this up and maybe even finish this within a month.
          ALTHOUGH I'm writing this on my school computer, which I have to turn in on May 6th. This means that I won't be able to continue writing this until I buy a computer for myself. I could write this on my iPad but I have difficulties using that to write.
          That, and I'm sure I'd get suspended for writing smut on a school computer lmao.
          Have a good evening, my dear two followers! :D


I want a Monster Energy drink so bad lmao.
          I'm legit so tired rn but I have to stay awake to take a final for school, but I'm instead reading a bunch of fanfiction and listening to music.
          Oh hey, speaking of music...
          I made a Freddy Krueger playlist to inspire me when I write. Or literally do anything. I love this playlist sm-


            The energy drink kicked in about five minutes into watching Wes Craven's New Nightmare and I had the worst anxiety throughout the entirety of the movie lmao BUT I will say that the movie has been the only horror movie to actually scare me (besides Silent Hill but I was 13 when I watched that-)
            Also, may I please just say u h-
            Is it just me or is the version of Freddy from Wes Craven's New Nightmare just... really hot...? hehe...?


            Pro: I went out and bought a Monster Energy.
            Con: I have yet to receive the energy from the Monster Energy.
            Second con: I also drank it all in less than ten minutes so I don't know if that's the issue but whatever.
            Third con: I accidentally tilted the can too high and spilled some of it on my face.
            Second pro: I now have more ideas for the fanfic