
So. My old relationship is basically put for the world to see. Um...I dont care what you think of it. I don't care if you are Shelby's friend. I dont care if you are my friend. Its done.  She wants nothing to do with me and I want nothing to do with her. It is no ones business but ours. No friend should be part of this, so no friend will be. I dont care what she does.


So. My old relationship is basically put for the world to see. Um...I dont care what you think of it. I don't care if you are Shelby's friend. I dont care if you are my friend. Its done.  She wants nothing to do with me and I want nothing to do with her. It is no ones business but ours. No friend should be part of this, so no friend will be. I dont care what she does.


Y-you dont want sides? You dont want sides in the whole thing. You attacked me when I tried talking to you like a civil freaking person. I tried to work this over so our friends can be friends again but you say I hurt you. I did. I saw that now. I saw that we weren't good for each others.  You WERE toxic for me but i was toxic for you too. A relationship could never work if we didn't talk, you said it yourself.  Sure towards the end I was on my phone or computer alot, I was always trying to find ways to make money to take you out so we could talk, but you always were on your tablet on here when I was over at your house. So you cant say you didn't do stuff wrong. Now can we please settle this like civil people please? @A_Million_Tears and @nerdyghost14 I'm sorry if I hurt either one of you this whole time but this is going to far now.


I just wish everyone would be okay agian... 


Wait why am I in this? I didn't do anything I mostly just tried to support sage while he broke down and tried to keep him calm. I'm just... here I guess