I really think you should out at the begging it's an experiment so people don't get so mad at things. But I am sorry I sounded rude, I am not a rude person, I just merely stated my opinions on the chapters in a very polite and expanding way no words were ever said to you about the book. But I really do wish people would stop being so mean to you. It was just an experiment, get over it people, move on, cry a river, build a bridge and get over it. Everyone is entitled to their options, just not ones that are rude and saying you would harm yourself. That just isn't right. So don't listen to them. Even if you did troll with emotions, it's just a book, like come on people, no need to be meanies about a opinion book.
Just leave her alone, be nice about your opinions and don't tell her to hurt herself, that is bullying, so back off of her and leave her alone. Just move on. It's just a freaking book.