Hiya! I’m Fangirldotexe and I’m pretty new to Wattpad. I’m into several anime’s but my major crazes right now are the anime My/Boku no Hero Academia, and Creepypastas. I don’t have any works posted here at the moment but if you wanna read something by me then I have a My Hero Academia fic over in archiveofourown under the pseud ShinsouHitoshiBestBoi.
A quick about me paragraph because I want no misunderstandings and I honestly don’t think I care what people think of me if they decide to dislike me
I’m Fangirldotexe, pronouns are She/Her, I’m bisexual and anyone saying that the LGBTQ+ community is a sin or are overall LGBTQ*phobic are not welcome here because people talking down about others sexual and gender orientation is not cool, I’m a major fangirl if you couldn’t tell by the name, I read pretty much any CP ship fic and any MHA fic That isn’t to angst-heavy. I can get really hyper or triggered by things ‘cause hormones, I’m only 14, and I’m entirely apathetic in public, gotta show emotion sometime, and in case you couldn’t tell, I rant a lot. I’m also very quick to jump to the defense of others because I have an apparent online Hero complex despite not giving a f*uck in public for other people, I might start writing on here in later times, I might go for Creepypasta ficsnhere and MHA on archive. Hello Wattpad, nice ta meet’cha