
Man, it feels so long ago when I was using wattpad. I wanted to apologize to anyone who has been waiting years for me to update (if there is anyone) and I wanted to thank everyone ho enjoys my books.
          	 So much has changed from when I first started using wattpad. I graduated from both middle and Highschool, im in college (and taking a summer course rn), I'm trying to start a small business. There is so much going on.
          	If you don't already know, I have an AO3 account that I write on now. I haven't posted much because of school, but I'm hoping to get back into writing. If you want to read my more recent works, I did cross post them here but they will not be updated as quickly compared to my AO3. Those books are 'Vaults Were Meant to be Broken' and 'From Diaries to Death'.
          	My AO3 name is ILoveKlanceart.
          	Again thank you so much and I hope everyone has a wonderful evening, morning, afternoon, or whatever and stay safe.


Man, it feels so long ago when I was using wattpad. I wanted to apologize to anyone who has been waiting years for me to update (if there is anyone) and I wanted to thank everyone ho enjoys my books.
           So much has changed from when I first started using wattpad. I graduated from both middle and Highschool, im in college (and taking a summer course rn), I'm trying to start a small business. There is so much going on.
          If you don't already know, I have an AO3 account that I write on now. I haven't posted much because of school, but I'm hoping to get back into writing. If you want to read my more recent works, I did cross post them here but they will not be updated as quickly compared to my AO3. Those books are 'Vaults Were Meant to be Broken' and 'From Diaries to Death'.
          My AO3 name is ILoveKlanceart.
          Again thank you so much and I hope everyone has a wonderful evening, morning, afternoon, or whatever and stay safe.


Okay. If I wrote a My Hero Academia fanfiction with Future Diaries elements (includes dadzawa, I've been obsessing over it) would anyone read it? I have like plot and stuff sorted out, I just have to write it now. I also dont know if I should put a ship in it? Thoughts?




@KittenMittens447 awww your welcome! You have a great day too!!!


@wog-woman I just wanted to say thank you for liking my books and have a wonderful day.


Hello everyone,
          I wanted to just let everyone know that all schools in my state are closed for two weeks due to the coronavirus. I hope everyone is doing well and is feeling well. I might have an update this week or next week depending if I'm having classes on google classroom or not. I hope everyone has a nice and safe day.


Has anyone seen the comic creantzy makes on instagram. Its amazing and I just want to say if you like Gravity Falls and Voltron, that is definitely a comic to go read right now. I love her art and her painted rivalry comic and gravity falls/voltron comic.
          Thanks for listening to my TED talk. Bye.


So today's my birthday (finally 17) and a kid in my chemistry class got my whole class to sing happy birthday to embarrass me. I wanted to punch him so bad, but it was really funny at the same time because no one knew who it was for. They just started to sing along with my teacher and the kid.


Happy birthday best friendddddddddd in the whole worlddddddddd❤️❤️❤️❤️❤️❤️❤️❤️❤️❤️❤️❤️❤️❤️❤️❤️❤️❤️❤️❤️❤️❤️❤️❤️❤️❤️


IDK how many of you will read this or actually care cuz I havent updated in so long. Anyway, my one shot will be updated hopefully by tomorrow. If not just know it will be before the end of the week.
          Also i wanna apologize for the long wait. I just kinda fell out of the voltron fandom for a while after season eight was disaster with some good. I found some new fandoms aswell but just got back into the voltron fandom. I will try and update as much as I can but you know
          Junior year, isnt it great. Thursday I'll try and write because I have a field trip to a college and the bus ride is a little long. Also homecoming this weekend. Yah....


HORRAY! Please tell me its “hands off”’part two???