
          	He’s back :>
          	cbs ( spec optional ) and/or drop things/spam me <3


;// Me; * wants to open interactions for lovers *
          Also me ; * can’t decide on how to work it out *
          .. as in , do I have lovers for Steven and Marc separately or do I just have lovers but it’s for both - in which your muse would definitely know about the different alters 
          anywho - cbs ( spec optional ) + SPECIFY IF IT’S FROM MARC OR STEVEN ( or both and I’ll send two starters ! )and/or drop things/spam me also specifying if it’s for Marc or Steven so I know who to reply as <33
          Or check out the gif starters in the mbs <33
          ( anyone is welcome to interact *wink* )


  *   give me something from both! + if you'd like to ship im always down to plot something


;// me forgetting about them ? You bet :}
          anywho , cbs ( spec optional ) + SPECIFY IF IT’S FROM MARC OR STEVEN ( or both and I’ll send two starters ! )and/or drop things/spam me also specifying if it’s for Marc or Steven so I know who to reply as <33
          Or check out the gif starters in the mbs <33


;// cbs ( spec optional ) + SPECIFY IF IT’S FROM MARC OR STEVEN ( or both and I’ll send two starters ! )and/or drop things/spam me also specifying if it’s for Marc or Steven so I know who to reply as <33
          Or check out the gif starters in the mbs <33


/ I’m not sure which to choose but either one here & on @wntrmission maybe?
            Whichever one would work best in terms of interactions