
Hey everyone. Update. I work 60 hours a week 7 days a week atm. I have been for at least three months now.  I also have full time school. I am honestly trying my best to get back to the books but I am not sure where I am going to get time to. I have not forgotten about it. I have not quit it and honestly it is just making me anxious how much i want to do vs how much I can right now.  Hopefully the new year fixes it self up and I find myself with more time. I am really greatful to thoes still reading.


Thank you both. You are awesome!


          	  We'll wait, we love your books too much~~~


@ Fantasy_Eater  Take your time. We understand.


Hello..... I Hope you don't know me... but I would like to apologize about the mess I made in the comment section in your book( really hoping u didn't notice) I hope I didn't cause u any inconvenience & well... just sorry. Happy day


Hello i hope you have been doing well and taking care of yourself and "we" hope to know what had hapened to you 2 years ago as why you have stopped updating of course if your feeling like you cant motivate yourself to continue writing then thats fine dont force yourself cause if you do then it just makes me feel like were forcing you as no one is paying you to write this after all