
I have never laughed so hard at a book in my entire life! I'm on a plane and Im trying so hard not to laugh I'm crying


Hi, Fantasy Escape. Thanks for reading and supporting Fireborn. I really appreciate it. :D


It's no problem! Your work is fantastic! I'm actually hooked and can't stop reading! I love the way you've written the chapters because it makes me feel like I'm actually there and I just LOVE that.


I have a question...
          Should I keep the current deaths I have in The Angel or should I change them to something that I feel I could write better? Please let me know.


            if you feel  you  can write something better, write something better. let your imagination soar.


          I know it has been a while since I’ve uploaded anything, but I’m running out of ideas for The Angel. I’ve decided to take a small break from that and work on one of my newer ideas. It’s called The Brave, The Bold, And The Kidnapped. I am very excited about it and hope you enjoy it.


I know my posting has been all messed up recently, but I honestly can just say that a lot of stuff is happening right now, paired with the fact that I’m having certain thoughts about my writing. Due to these thoughts I am going to remove The Angel and get it to the place where I want it before I put it back up. This is due to the fact that honestly, I’m confused with what I’ve written and also there’s the fact that I haven’t had a set plot that I’ve been wanting to follow, which is making it harder to write. Therefore, I am hoping that The Angel will be back up soon, but I will not make any promises. Thanks.