Omg someone who’s watched Love Victor! I also like Lotr and PJO too!
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Happy MLK Jr. Day!!! ✊✊✊ Let us all celebrate how far we have come. Yes, there is still a lot of discrimination and injustice in the world. Yes, we do still have a long way to go to fight off racism. But if it hadn’t been for Civil Rights activists like Martin Luther King Jr., we might not even be where we are today.
@Fantasy_W0LF ✊✊✊✊For Martin Luther King Jr. and all his fellow civil rights activists!
Omg someone who’s watched Love Victor! I also like Lotr and PJO too!
Thanks for following!!
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ITS HOT POTATO DAY!! Quick! Hot potato! Pass this to 5 other accounts before it's too late! ((Pass backs allowed! Chain originally started by @S0fia203678 ))
Happy MLK Jr. Day!!! ✊✊✊ Let us all celebrate how far we have come. Yes, there is still a lot of discrimination and injustice in the world. Yes, we do still have a long way to go to fight off racism. But if it hadn’t been for Civil Rights activists like Martin Luther King Jr., we might not even be where we are today.
@Fantasy_W0LF ✊✊✊✊For Martin Luther King Jr. and all his fellow civil rights activists!
Being Genderfluid is honestly very annoying sometimes. There are days when I want to enter a boy’s locker room or bathroom, but I know that society won’t let me simply because I’m not fully/always male. Oh, and there’s also the general fear that I’m sure many trans people have, of being attacked by a hateful individual because I’m AFAB. ✨yay✨
@FrenchBaguette190 Yeah…. I am somewhat out of the closet(with a decent amount of ppl) and sort of have the hair, but not a binder. I also have a pretty curvy build in general, unfortunately.
@Fantasy_W0LF ugh yeah It doesn't help that I'm not out of the closet and dont have a binder or short hair to actually pass as a male/Nb person so I just have to use the female restroom
Hi, fren, would you mind checking out my new book? its about my theories for the new tøp album. and hi also :3
So I have a question for any of my fellow LGBTQ+ people…. How would you approach telling your teachers about a newfound gender identity a quarter of the way through the school year?
@Fantasy_W0LF I would give advice, butttt I haven’t yet I literally just came out to my parents a year ago (they were accepting) and it’s just awkward to talk about for me. What I would do tho is to start off with telling a teacher you’re most comfortable with and go from there. I would probably try to be pretty quick about it and if they don’t want to respect your pronouns, just brush it off and go to the next teacher I know probably not the best advice, but it’s past midnight rn and my Brian is tired lol
@FrenchBaguette190 @953spritz359 Thank you so much for the advice!!! I seriously appreciate it <3
@Fantasy_W0LF If you trust the teacher, and feel comfortable talking to them, id probably stay after class and say it to their face. But i dont really know.
So there totally haven’t been cops looking for some dude who was going around my block trying to break into houses pretty much ALL DAY. I’m getting so much sleep rn… But I just wanna know one thing: How in the **** has this person evaded the police for AT LEAST six hours?!
@Fantasy_W0LF Oh my god! Yeah, just like a month ago one of our windows was found open by my dad! It could have been our baby but I don't think he could do that. We were watching Hunger Games in the living room one night and my dad went to his bedroom- at the back of the house- and the window was open, the only person who had been back there recently- only like a minute before- was the baby... so unless my brother sister or mom lied and said they hadn't opened the window... then it was either the baby or...
@Fantasy_W0LF uh.... yikes!!! thats intense!!! sorry that you didnt get much sleep that sucks... im glad they got that resolved, have a nice day/night/whatevertimeitis
@Frostflowerthehybrid Well, I’m glad nothing was stolen! There’ve been a few times in my neighborhood when people have gone around trying to see if car doors are unlocked so they can steal stuff, and my dad found one of our windows open once, but nothing like this has really happened until now….
Happy National Coming Out Day!!! ️️️
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