
Alright people i have rediscovered Solangelo you know what that means
          	i’m going to read nothing but solangelo until i run out of fanfics or can’t mentally read it anymore


I have decided to post my story of being closeted new gay
          first chapter 
          girl realizes she’s gay 
          girl favorites a boy from tv show and wonders if she is or not 
          girl meets really pretty girl with v smooth soft silky hair beautiful eyes soft hands and is straight 
          girl now knows that she is in fact gay and likes tv show boy cuz he murdered 12 men with no ones help 
          stay tuned for more


so they took away the newsfeed and now i have to find out everything by doing it myself???? like?? i was still using that????? cmon????


oh yeah it showed what all of the people your following was doing what books they saved to their lists and comments they made also when they updated any book not just the one in your library it gave recommendations too it was cool but they took it down since it wasn’t used much


Dear Bullies..
          You know that boy you pushed? He committed suicide. You know that girl you called fat? She's starving herself. You know that boy you teased for crying? His mom died. Every time you be mean to others you hurt them deeply or ruin there lives. Everything you do is cause and effect don't think for a moment that it isnt.


No problem I think that its a very important thing that people should be aware of


@Fantizied_Realiality Thank you for helping to spread the message!! :)


Thank you @LunaBPYT for doing this in your description I know this isn't exact but it should be close enough to make awareness