
@Danceorattack101 btw ur book is amazing , just keep writing and reading alot and i promise u that you'll have a great book, u have a unique style in writing , hope u could update soon *please* ♥♥♥ Thanks 4 making our day babe ♥♥♥♥


hey :D
          nice book I didn't actually finish it yet but I know that'll be a great book and actually I'm sure about that because I know Farah we've been like brother and sister and I've faith on you sister and I know you're a hard worker and determine and nada I don't know you but you look lovely and great and I wish all the success for both of you I wish I can talk to farah again as soon as possible and nada it's a truly great pleasure to meet you :D


@Danceorattack101 awwww :"o ur so cute , thank u , really thanks alot u made our day babe ♥♥ Btw if u read alot you'll write perfectly ;) thts our advice if u wanna be a good writer ;) ;) 


I think i just died you replied to me >.< 'Lost' Is the best book ever keep writing its AMAZING