
Hey there, folks. I've recently started to write a new fanfic and I'd love to post it, but I am not sure about my writing. Since my English is quite horrible, I am looking for a beta-reader. If anyone is interested in helping me out, feel free to let me know, write or something. I would be beyond grateful, because I want to post good stuff, not a nonsense with a bunch of mistakes and since grammar is not my strong suit, any help would be definitely more than appreciated.


Hey there, folks. I've recently started to write a new fanfic and I'd love to post it, but I am not sure about my writing. Since my English is quite horrible, I am looking for a beta-reader. If anyone is interested in helping me out, feel free to let me know, write or something. I would be beyond grateful, because I want to post good stuff, not a nonsense with a bunch of mistakes and since grammar is not my strong suit, any help would be definitely more than appreciated.


Hi! I'm Slovak too! Hahaha, Jak sa máš?! Milujem jak píšeš! Je to super :) 


@ineedalife2k16 dakujem! Jaka si zlata  


@ineedalife2k16 ahoj, až teraz som si všimla príspevok (LOL), som oneskorená, ale ďakujem!!! Moc! A ako sa mám? Po tomto príspevku ešte lepšie, strašne ma teší, keď ľudia ocenia moju tvorbu, myslela som, že to tu nikto nenčíta :) máš follow odo mňa :)


HI FARASUSHKA! The sequel for Choo Choo is already out, and its called Choo Choo 2! Please read it and check it out, you're a lovely reader and you've supported me alot with the first series with your awesome comments! It would mean alot if you joined me for my second book, thank you ;D


Hi! I edited 90% of Choo Choo (A Hakuouki Fanfic) Please check it out :D Book 2 will be coming out shortly, thanks so much for your support. I didnt forget about you :)


Hi! :) I´ve already read it and I love it, however I loved the previous version too :) And np, I love your stories and I can´t wait for more ;)