
Hello everyone. This message is a promise to y'all about my next commitment, releasing this year : "Scarlet Promises".


Hello. Ni hao. Ola. Bonjour.
          This is a news. I am dropping off my next story soon. And red alert. It's hot, steamy and not like anything I have tried before. So, I am a bit pensive. Kendall Ryan's getting into my head, I guess. Read her stories up if you want to understand. And if you read her up, be ready for some... fire. Her novels have hell lot of sweetness and spice. 
          So, stay tuned to meet Tania and Benedict in 30 days till...


Well..long time no words, huh? Sorry readers. But will you be pacified if I announce you the arrival of the sequel of DON'T LET ME GO? Yes it's coming out on 1st Jan 2021 Inshallah. Don't forget to keep your eyes open and tell me how was it.


I am sure many of you heard about Romeo-Juliet, Shirin-Farhad, Heer-Ranjha and of their unrequited love. Their story remained unfulfilled but their love was complete. Love puts lover above yourself. ALWAYS. 
           Confused? Don't miss "LET ME GO" coming out on 30th Sept. Coming out in 1 day and 3 hours.


And yeah, it's dedicated to someone close to my heart. A person who has never let me go.