
dhbcsjkaml,sdbhukjew,qlsdbhcvj nidkcfbhncdwixiodncsjxuicsbnxhiu9chy98dennic9jdn9jnvhbdhucfv hybfzkokz;jhobgvfouhcjzsxnb cvbdnxijnhb cvcdbxuisodxcnhbjhdn huj9d8enhuycjdnbvji9cxhiuss cnjijfhrudcfhbvye89chdue92i3jdswe2idjswidchu8dies9jcxu yvcjd8isuhyfudij9fhyuhudijppppppp


dhbcsjkaml,sdbhukjew,qlsdbhcvj nidkcfbhncdwixiodncsjxuicsbnxhiu9chy98dennic9jdn9jnvhbdhucfv hybfzkokz;jhobgvfouhcjzsxnb cvbdnxijnhb cvcdbxuisodxcnhbjhdn huj9d8enhuycjdnbvji9cxhiuss cnjijfhrudcfhbvye89chdue92i3jdswe2idjswidchu8dies9jcxu yvcjd8isuhyfudij9fhyuhudijppppppp


more shattered glass extracts!
          He waded further though the dump/man cave of Mighty, until, lying, half-asleep right in front of the door to his self-proclaimed ‘office’ was the armadillo himself. He was a mess. His red, surfer-dude-like hair-ish thing (Ray, after knowing the armadillo for over fifteen years, still did not know what it was,) was tangled and all-over-the-place, he smelled. Then again, to him, running water was a myth.  As well as that, his black fur was covered in stains and white marks from attempts to disguise his stench with deodorant, when he was somewhat sober. He sucked on another empty bottle of crigo, practically begging for another drop of the succulent, sweet-yet bitter liquid to make his pathetic life feel slightly less pathetic, only to make him feel much more pathetic later, Ray didn’t understand that. 
          Yes Ray and Mighty are in SG, it's set between unleashed and colors.


who is Dav? is this a fanfic? is Dav a crappy animal OC? 
          1. Not telling
          3. no. my crappy animal OC's are for sonic forces only. (which i will beat! 100% platinum trophy! (well, it does have one main-ish OC and lots of extra OC's.)


afternoon people! production on shattered glass is well under way! because wuv you here is a very short extract!
          There were people running around screaming, Dav understood that. The last time chaos emeralds were seen in station square was perfect chaos, that was not a good first impression of their power. The secretary behind the desk was rapidly clicking buttons on the landline. A uniformed man stood next to her, instructing her. The majority, however instantly whipped out their mobile phones. “Stupid decision”, Dav thought. The uniformed men instantly whipped those phones out of those people’s hands and threatened destroying their phones and putting them on a recently rebuilt prison island for a few weeks. This shuttled most people up.  Jane was writing like no tomorrow. Of course, they took her notebook and dragged her away. Dav never saw her again.