
Hey! Discord is now john_wards.


Hey, since Wattpad is closing DM’s, I’m gonna post my discord and Instagram links so you all that wanna talk can still message me!
          Discord username: mark_hoffman_luster
          Instagram: https://www.instagram.com/markhoffmanlust?igsh=MXdiZHgzaXl5YXNsaA%3D%3D&utm_source=qr


@Choco_Dovey Wattpad killed itself a while ago. I hate it here, I don’t even read anymore. I just use C.AI.


Cool! It’s sad Wattpad is killing itself…


Hello everyone! Saw era's back! But what am I going to do with this account? Well, I've been thinking about just deleting Wattpad, but keeping my account up, so that way people can enjoy this. I mean, I haven't used it in so long, and it feels like nobody cares anymore. I feel like this place is now full of creeps, pedophiles, and a lot of people who just don't belong here. I really don't like using this place, this place that I once called home. If any of you ever want to contact me, I have Discord. My Discord is 
          You gotta type it just like that, with the. And all, otherwise it will send you to somebody else. But yeah. This place I once called home no longer feels like home. It feels like a desolate wasteland. I might come back and enjoy books every now and then, but that's about it. I might come back and write every now and then, but I highly doubt it. I'm graduating high school soon, and I'm about to start college. It's been one hell of a trip, and it's been a really long journey.
          I remember when I was just a scared little kid on this app, and this was my escape. I made so many friends on here, I've also lost a lot of friends that I've had in this time. Some of them just don't talk anymore, some of them got busy, and some of them.... Some of them I wish I could've done better with. It's been a wild ride, and I'm glad I got to enjoy this place when I did. I hope you all have a wonderful day or night. I hope you all continue to enjoy life, and I just want to say thank you.
          Thank you for making this place a home to me and many others like me. I love all of you. Just keep in mind that if you ever need somebody to talk to, if you ever need a friend, or a neighbor, I'm right here. 
          Thank you, and goodbye.


Thanks man. I’m still going to BE HERE, but not all the time. It’ll be more like once in a blue moon. I’ll always be on Discord man.


this message may be offensive
[@HoffmansWhore] Why tf did this make me emotional? I’m going to miss seeing you here ngl. (Even tho I have your Discord, lol.)
            I remember when we first met. It was pretty fun staying up late on a school night just talking to you. But at least we have memories together on this cesspool of an app. 
            But I hope the rest of high school does you well and that college will be a great experience for you. I’m always on Discord if you ever want to talk or send me goofy shit. 
            Love you, man. (Platonically)


Wow, Wattpad is so dead….I hate this app….


I feel this bro


@Hannibal_Lecter_uwu I'm on both, but from tomorrow, I'll only have Discord available since it's on my phone ^^