


For reasons unknown, I'm in a chatty mood. I want to nerd out, but that's hard to do since you don't like the mangas I do and my mindless nerd chatter is like me speaking Japanese to you.
          Not to mention my near fangasm when I taught myself the opening notes to The Legend of Zelda on the piano today...I'm bored.


lol It is like Japanese. XD I don't know what to say half the time to some of your nerdiness. XD lol I still love you anyway.


1:10 am and still no sleep, and I have to be up at 7:30 today. All because I'm waiting for my work uniform to finish washing so I can put it in the washer. And that's because my sister's incompetent and left the clothes in the washer, with the cleaner crap on them, without turning it on.
          If you're going to do something, do it right. That way I won't have to stab you in the throat.


Well then. And you get in trouble for clothing not being completely dry. Seems fair. Once again, I would rant about favoritism and bullcrap buuuut, oh well.