
Assalamu Alaikum wa rahmatullahi wa barakatuh 
          	Hi guys 
          	I just wanted you guys to do me a favor. I have this friend, @isha_ahman who wants to enter her book in a competition and needs 1k reads and about 300 votes to win. Please please please guys let's help her win this. Make her happy by reading her book and voting to help her win. 
          	Jazakumullah khairan as you read. 
          	Thank you ♥ ☺ 


 Jazakumullah khairan kaseeran ❤❤❤


Walaikum Assalam Warahmatullahi Wabarakatuhu 


@Fatridaib sure In shaa Allah will try my best!



Hey Farida! How are you? It's been soooo long, but I hope you're doing good. Thanks for reading and voting on Save Me From Suicide.
          ❤️❤️ I really appreciate girl. I hope you stick around. Have any thoughts you'd like to share? I'd love to hear.
          Thanks again dear and stay safe. God bless you. You rock a billion ✨✨


@_mothawriter_ Thank you again ❤️❤️


            You're welcome. Good luck on your journey.


As salamu alaikum wa rahmatullahi wa barakatuhu.
          Jazak Allah sister, your support means a lot. Jazak Allah for supporting "OBLIVIOUS". May you be blessed for this efforts, to spread Islam, and awareness. Please share, and tag, so many can be aware-warned, ones can heart can change, in sha Allah.
          I'm very glad you loved it. And that is reality. As Muslims we, I shall not be afraid of spreading Islam. The world is engaging and moving towards fitnah with a great pace. It is very scary. And that's one of the major signs of Qiyamah. Minor signs of Qiyamah have been completed, and even the majors are happening.
          I'm trying to do what I can, and that why I ask everyone to share and tag as much as possible, we also need to warn Muslim authors-readers through this, so they'd be aware-warned. At least let our message reach them, and Allah will change their hearts. In sha Allah. We are the messengers of the prophets, and our duty is to spread the beauty of Islam, the knowledge of Islam, I'm going to take the advantage of being a wattpader and do what I'm capable of by the will of Allah. One's heart changes, in sha Allah. We will be questioned for having the capability of spreading Islam. Did we? The screens are right before us, our fingers are in great health, our minds are healthy, we can type down so much about Islam. We can change many hearts and minds by the will of Allah. We also have the opportunity to protect the ummah, be it few, at least I'll be able to answer that I tried, and through those few, it would lead to more, and more in sha Allah. Allah s.w.t says in QUR'AN, that whoever tries to help or support Islam, the person will be victorious. In sha Allah, we can protect so many, countless from sinning, ONLY if we try. Don't be afraid of shy, this is Islam, this is to protect your and others Akhirah and life in this world, to reach heaven. In sha Allah. 
          NIQABI ❤


@Niqabi_Secrets Wa alaikumus salaam wa rahmatullaah wa barakatuh. 
            Jazakumullaah khairan katheeran for the inspiration sister ☺


Hello Farida how have you been. We haven’t spoken in such a long time. I hope everything is well in your little corner of the world. Everything is going swimmingly here in the frozen North. Wish I was experiencing the heat of your location right now though. I notice you started read my Haven Series again. I hope you’re enjoying it and I really appreciate those votes. Keep em coming if you can.  And please let me know if you encounter any other interesting authors. I’m always on the hunt for good books on Wattpad.


@DebAMacD I am in Africa. But it's really really cold. 


@Fatridaib wait why was I thinking you were in Africa? Where are you?


            Hi. I've been good, just busy, thanks. How about you ?
            My location is really really cold right now and I'm really surprised it's not snowing. The temperature is sooo low. 
            I'm enjoying your book as always ,keep up the good work ☺ 
            I'll surely let you know if I come across other interesting authors. 
            Good day ☺  


Hy there pls I really would love you to read my book Gone... It really would mean a lot to me thank you so much https://my.w.tt/IdViVBbmg2


plss new episode comes out every Thursday, plsss check it out and let me know what you think about it thank you so much 


Thank you so much for checking my book I really appreciate, thank you so so much。◕‿◕。(◕ᴗ◕✿)


Hi thanks for reading and adding the depressed princess to your reading list! So glad you enjoyed it ❤️


@fatridaib aww thank you so much ❤️❤️


@starrytrails You're welcome ☺ 
            Thank you for writing such an awesome story. 
            I was re-reading and I was trés shocked that it wasn't in my reading list already.