
Hey y’all! Guess who’s at the rheumatologist getting tested for Lupus?! ME!! YAYYYYYYYY *cue the sarcasm*


@FattyWithNoDaddy2005 what the he'll is lupus. Does it have something to do with dogs!!?


Hey Pookies, I regret to inform you that I am indeed still alive and well… well… I wouldn’t say I’m well… but I’m alive (jk, I’m actually a ghost and im living it up here in the afterlife!! Pro tip, don’t get hit by a subway train in New York City)


@KacchansMoans I almost got hit by a subway train in NYC when I was 14 so I decided to use my almost death as my fake death




HEYYYYYY Y'ALLLLLLLL!!!!!!!!!!! I'M BACKKKKKKKKK!!!!!!!!!! had my phone taken up because I wouldn't let my aunt take my phone LMAOOOOOO


@FattyWithNoDaddy2005 okay well then you can actually sue them but the fact you still live with them would make you less likely to win the case seeing as you are of age. I just know this cause I love studying Law stuff TT


@PatosPRManager my aunt does not pay for my phone nor did she buy it. She has nothing to do with the payments


@PatosPRManager I’m 20 and my mom is dead. This is her sister, my aunt.


HELP?! I NEED HELP?! I think I MAY be gender fluid? I DONT KNOW!!! Like… I love having my female body and showing off my boobs and curves and knowing I can carry my own babies in my body. I’m very content being female. But sometimes I look at certain videos of myself or catch myself in the mirror and feel like I’d be better looking as a dude? (Sometimes I feel super pretty as a girl and sometimes I feel like I’d be a hot dude) and I feel masculine? And not in a bad way, but in a “I feel like a teenage dude and wish I was a teenage dude” kind of way? Like in those moments I’m like “I wouldn’t mind being called he/him” and in other moments I’m like “IM A GIRL” I don’t know?! PLEASE HELP!!


@FattyWithNoDaddy2005 Girl I sometimes think stuff like that but it doesn’t mean I want to be a guy, it’s just random thoughts that pop up in your head. TT


@FattyWithNoDaddy2005 Noah is a great name. There is always going to be people who might not approve, but it s your life. And being yourself, while tough, is the only way to find people who like you for you.


@FattyWithNoDaddy2005 What's more important than the name is you being comfortable and content with what you identify as in all terms


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Imagine you have on a full face of makeup, a nice dress and nice cream cowgirl boots, and your hair finally dried and then your aunt (sitting on the couch on her phone wearing haydudes, a sweatshirt, and leggings) tells you to take the dogs out to use the bathroom WHEN ITS RAINING and the dogs are refusing to get into the grass so your aunt is yelling at you to GET IN THE RAIN to guide them into the grass but refusing to do so herself!! And when you call her out on her shit she tells you to watch your tone because you’re pissing her off!!


@FattyWithNoDaddy2005 then your aunts or cousins jacket. I mean if they don’t wanna do it than their clothes can get a little bit dirty (when you use them).


@Itsacockie I had no raincoat or rain boots. All I have are cowgirl boots, converse, vans, Nike high tops, and crocs


Also! My aunt literally called my outfit cute and my cousin is telling me to go change because I look disgusting and said that my aunt said that I have to change too!! MY AUNT LITERALLY CALLED MY OUTFIT CUTE!!!!


@FattyWithNoDaddy2005 I just know that it’s cute


@FattyWithNoDaddy2005 girl show them how you slay that outfit


I took a shower last night and washed my hair and my family is saying my hair looks “dirty” and that I “look disgusting” and they’re making me shower again. Am I in the wrong?


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@FattyWithNoDaddy2005 nope not at all, they js need to open their eyes and actually use them and not js say some shit. 


Well… yesterday my uncle yelled at me that I’m not normal (he made a whole rant) and I looked at my aunt expecting her to stick up for me but instead she turned to me and said that it’s my fault because I opened the can of worms (all I said was that normal is subjective because everyone has a different sense of normal) and tonight my aunt called me entitled because I didn’t thank my uncle for dinner (I always thank them for getting me food, I just didn’t think about it tonight) when SHE took my dessert that I got for free after the restaurant got my food wrong. Claiming we’re all going to share ONE SLICE OF CAKE. (4 people). I called her out when she tried to decide what I’d get (because she wanted my free dessert) and my cousin spoke up and said it’s good manners to let those paying for my food have my free dessert. I was upset and when I’m upset I go silent and that pissed my aunt off (she gets mad because I talk too much and gets mad when I’m silent) so yeah… that was my night


@FattyWithNoDaddy2005 Sorry to hear that. Often people are emotionally abusive because the want to feel above others. Try to remember her actions and attitudes are really about her and not you.


@FattyWithNoDaddy2005 sorry to hear that *hug*


@FattyWithNoDaddy2005 I hope it gets better for you ^^


No because did I see a hot guy on TikTok my age who posted how he only likes country girls so now I’m making another Snapchat and putting my bitmoji as a country girl? Yes. (He has his Snapchat in his bio AND he’s a Christian) wish me luck!