
this message may be offensive
I'm not forcing anyone to read this book, but I'd like you to know that the information in this book is crucial. This book holds all the truths you need to know about what's going on in Israel. The war, the killings, the damn genocide (as Astoria Ella would put it). 
          	  These killings isn't a joke and don't say because it's far from you or isn't happening to your family and friends so you don't give a shit. Those being killed were also living, breathing warm blooded humans. They had also envisioned their future, and now that future has been brutally snatched from them.
          	   You might tell yourself there's nothing you could currently do to help them, but there is. No matter how little you think your impact is, it's still an impact. You could help by voicing their story on any platform you have, giving information to others on what's currently happening to them. Right now they do not have the leisure of the internet, so they can't voice their pains and seek help. You could help by doing just that for them.
          	   And the way to start helping is by getting the true information on them first. @theforestgreen is willing to share that true information with you in this book. And if you still doubt, she has listed sources for you to confirm what she's said.
          	    Please and please our voices are urgently needed. It's up to us now to choose to speak up or not.


@theforestgreene I should be the one thanking you for creating such a book ♥️♥️.


Thank you so much Patra!!! <3


AHHH thanks so much for adding Food Courting to your list! Hope you've been doing well! ❤️


@FavourUbaji I hope your break was relaxing, and that you're doing well! And there's no pressure or rush to read! I just appreciate all of the support you've given me so far ❤️ I've been a little busy and had some ups and downs, but I'm still doing my best! How have things been for you?


@laurendoubleu Hey Lauren!!! It's been awhile. I haven't been active on Wattpad for some months now. Took a break because of some things. I just decided to check on Wattpad a few days ago, and that's when I stumbled upon your book. Can't wait to start reading it once I'm back. How've you been?


Thanks for following back! As a feminist, you may enjoy hearing that I got my PhD in engineering, am rocking it at work, have a great family, and process my struggles through writing. Have a great day!


@glowingspacedoctor hey there! Thanks for the follow in the first place, I really appreciated it ❤️.
                I'm so thrilled to hear about your accomplishments and what your coping mechanism is.
               Thanks for reaching out! Your words really put a smile on my face. And I hope you have a great day too!


this message may be offensive
I'm not forcing anyone to read this book, but I'd like you to know that the information in this book is crucial. This book holds all the truths you need to know about what's going on in Israel. The war, the killings, the damn genocide (as Astoria Ella would put it). 
            These killings isn't a joke and don't say because it's far from you or isn't happening to your family and friends so you don't give a shit. Those being killed were also living, breathing warm blooded humans. They had also envisioned their future, and now that future has been brutally snatched from them.
             You might tell yourself there's nothing you could currently do to help them, but there is. No matter how little you think your impact is, it's still an impact. You could help by voicing their story on any platform you have, giving information to others on what's currently happening to them. Right now they do not have the leisure of the internet, so they can't voice their pains and seek help. You could help by doing just that for them.
             And the way to start helping is by getting the true information on them first. @theforestgreen is willing to share that true information with you in this book. And if you still doubt, she has listed sources for you to confirm what she's said.
              Please and please our voices are urgently needed. It's up to us now to choose to speak up or not.


@theforestgreene I should be the one thanking you for creating such a book ♥️♥️.


Thank you so much Patra!!! <3


 Guys check out this exciting new project from @PrideReads community. Here's a little bit of info for the project!
          > To kick off this project, we are starting off with a Spooktober event for all writers, artists and graphic designers who love a bit of Halloween! We'd love it if you'd check it out. 
          > Submissions for this event are open and will close at the end of the month, on the witching hour of All Hallows' Eve so get creating!
          > https://www.wattpad.com/story/353447720-event-book
          Thanks in advance from all of us here at prideReads! 


@theforestgreene it really is ♥️♥️


             Shout out to the SEPTEMBER babies!!


@laurendoubleu same to you! Wishing you the entire best! ❣️❤️❤️


@FavourUbaji YAAAAY!! Happy September! Wishing you the best! ❤️


Hey there! I saw the comment that user left under your most recent announcement, and I want to say it’s absolutely disgusting what they said. It’s a gift for the community here to have the privilege to read anyone’s writing; writing, to most people, is a very personal, incredible thing, and we should treat it as such! Just know that your work should be cherished, not trashed, and the voices of the minority will be drowned out by those who actually want to support and uplift you. If you ever decide to republish to Wattpad, please let me know! I’d love to support you and your work, and I’m sure the rest of the community feels similarly ❤️


@Aptionia most times it's hard for me to process how negative people could get. I mean it's easier to understand in movies and books because they're the typical villain, but actual real life? I can't fathom it.
                I'll get back to writing again, but first I have to build my confidence and tune down my self destructive thoughts.
                Thanks so much for taking the time out of your day to spread love ❤️❤️.


@FavourUbaji of course! Luckily, I’ve never experienced this kind of negativity on Wattpad before, but I’ve seen an unsettling amount of it happen to other people. Just the other day, I saw someone promoting a hate book dedicated to a user, and their reasoning for posting this book and doxxing the girl’s social medias was flimsy at best. I really don’t understand why people on here (or any social media for that matter) feel the need to be so cruel, especially to people who don’t deserve it. I guarantee your writing is absolutely lovely, and that person’s speaking because their heart is filled with a bitterness they can’t get rid of, so they turn to insulting and bullying other people. It’s a sadly common occurrence, but I digress. I hope no one else comes after you, and one day, maybe I’ll see your writing bless this platform once more ;)


@Aptionia Thank you so much! I'd keep that in mind. I really appreciate it ❤️❤️.
              I too felt disgusted when I saw this, but I understood this particular person did it out of spite. I kind of called out their writing partner for something they did wrong on someone else's platform, so they took it upon themselves to personally insult me on my platform. Although this wasn't the only negative message they sent, but I deleted them (but not before replying with fire also, even though I'm not proud of my replies.) and personally messaged and apologised to their partner since it seemed I'd deeply offended them by calling them out.
                And the funny thing is, I was still insulted even after apologising. I decided some people ain't just nice.
               But thanks again. This is really put a smile on my face to see that there are others who'd stand against negativities and injustice.


Thank you so much for reading and voting on Ultima Ratio! It really means so much! ❤️ Also, I saw your last post and what that other user commented. I'm so sorry you have to deal with those cruel words, and I hope they don't discourage you from doing something you're passionate about. What's important is that you have fun, and people that go out of their way to keep that from you aren't worth your time. Don't let them stop you from being happy!


@FavourUbaji LOL No problem!! You seem like such an awesome and friendly person, and I can't believe I wasn't following you sooner!
            And thank you so much!! Feel free to DM me or leave a message here or on my profile if you have any other questions, or if you just want to chat! I have Discord too if that's easier! ❤️


@laurendoubleu OMG!!! Omg! I'm blowing you kisses right now! Thanks for the follow. Oh my gosh! Lol.
                Wednesdays and Saturdays, got it. Today's perfect timing. I'll go check it out, I hope I'm not late. But no worries, I acquired some coins from some challenges, I'm gonna use them.


@FavourUbaji I'm so glad I could help! And YES!! The Wattpad version updates every Monday and Wednesday, and the YONDER version updates every Wednesday and Saturday! ❤️


Hey! How's it going? So guys, I just started writing this new book and then decided to put it out there! Yay!! I posted two characters of it and I want you guys to check it out. Please tell me what you think and if I should continue writing. Xoxo
          I just published "CHAPTER ONE" of my story "FREE BUT BONDED". https://www.wattpad.com/1326862021?utm_source=android&utm_medium=profile&utm_content=share_published&wp_page=create_on_publish&wp_uname=FavourUbaji&wp_originator=Mrw3Gi5OQpbThVaejaOj7R%2BA%2FiysT%2BYrur%2FvlSsY2xMpHMXWgQSnh9ClN%2BaRr5FnmR2WDM7tqYzmG9nftpTu%2BV%2Bx%2BYNnfrGjv4jbBSE1%2F84eoGZXKDvxK0Tk%2BitqTtFz


@FavourUbaji oh my god shiver me timbers :(((


@theforestgreene what doesn’t look good for YOU is you arguing with me. you talk about wattpad and reporting us, when you’re also a participant in this. i don’t care if she’s “good and kind” to you because that’s not the way she’s treated us. your comments are full of bs no wonder why i didn’t see them in my notifications box. anyhow how sad and pathetic can you be to be calling us children and then proceed to continue arguing with us? well i guess these two kids have written better stories than you ever will. i genuinely cannot fathom the fact that you thought you actually did something by commenting two long unnecessary paragraphs that don’t include any valid points whatsoever


And btw, the comments above this from Apitonia, Laurendoubleu, and AziaElga will still be there when Wattpad gets around to those reports, and they will take those users testaments into consideration when reviewing your account lol. Y'all better back up your stories before your account gets blooped into oblivion cause it does not look good for y'all  @asphericity @rosepetaledd 