Hello peeps,
I wish I could say I have remarkable news to share but unfortunately no.
I'm fine, I think, sometimes it just feels like you're drowning and people keep pushing your head under the surface.
My current WIP Familia is still in the works, I'm not giving that up so far.
Something new happened, I downloaded Twinery on my PC and am working on an interactive story.
Basically it's a text adventure where you get to decide how the story continues.
So far I'm trying this out with PYROMANTIC but it takes long when you have to consider every possible outcome.
So it's going, but slowly.
Not to spoil, but my goal is to make this available with a Tomorrow's Last Breath version too.
But that is far far into the future.
The new Website update for October will be up in a few days and there might be something major coming
Anyways, I hope you're alright
And remember to slay the day.