
Gonna have to stop engaging with people, got them thinking I be doing too much. Smdh....


Why am I just finding out that Needed Me was about Drake? Oh my godd..I knew he was a simp for Rih and a damn sore loser but nahhh....My FAV song was shade to his punk ass. 
          And I had no clue he dissed her, that explains why she dodged his kiss at the award show. lol
          I knew he was lame. Thank god for kendrick..Now nicki needs to drop him as well.
          He not real QUEEN...


yeah cause he said in a song the sex was average and why they think I'm still hung up on you. 
            I was like oop-...lmao.
            I think he was salty she broke it off with him cause uhm..he got that stripper pregnant. So Rih dipped. lol. I love this woman. 
            Didn't let Chris nor Drake keep up with the foolishness around her. She said peace and dipped.
            Chris was her first real relationship. Drake was deff a rebound/fling/sex with benefits. And Asap her Last relationship with a happily ever after she looked for in chris.


@Fckin-Jeyne I didn't even know that! 


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Feeling satisfied about what I’ve been searching and nosying about on YouTube. I remember the whole Chris and Rihana break up etc. 
          Their last convo was about marriage, and shit. 
          Dang..I feel like I can forgot about these people again. 
          I just slowly blame that one Chrianna Book.
          Happy for rih and rocky. I knew he want gonna be locked up like ever since the first trial started, I just knew that man was a lier. 
          Karruche let him roam free doing what he needs, etc. Chris got his lick back, cheating n shit. 
          Chris got his karma about not wanting a family that welcomed royalty, I think 2 years after rih asked for family and shit.. 
          Not to MENTION I FOUND OUT ABOUT THE WHOLE ROYALTY REVEAL NEWS ON TIKTOK TODAY, like damn Chris was adamant on getting that test.
          Idk what came into me, one minute I’m writing my book and the next I’m just searching rih and Chris old tweets and their last breakup and stuff. 
          Anywho these ppl moved on…by people I mean these three. ‍♀️dgaf bout them BM’s.
          Anywho your girl gone. Feel like my head is clear right now. 


The typos be killing me....lmao


Anyone knows the feeling when you feel you've created a bombass couple for the right genre for a book. Yeah, this how i'm feeling rn. 
          Just simply gagging myself left and right, writing scenes for these people.


yess i know the feeling.