I'm also thinking of writing a zanexreader, a melissaxfemalereader(due to me not being able to find one :(..... and reallllly wanting one lol.), and/or a kawaii~chanxfemalereader.
Please let me know which one(s) you would like to see! (In my opinion I would love to write all of them but that may be too much pressure on myself.) I would write all of them but it would cause me not to be able to publish as often on my other books. That's why I'm asking y'all! which one(s) would you like to see.
Also I know I'm taking a break but I'm bored and can't sleep and have been reading. I want to at least get some ideas in my head.
Also sorry if you have notifications turned on. I know I'm writing this late at night(for those who live in the USA).