hi!! i rlly love your stories, but especially your southpark ones(the alpha and i think beta? ) i rlly like how u did new kid or the reader if u will..and i was wondering if u were ever gonna update/continue them? i rlly like them, i mean like its totally chill if u dont work on them anymore..but if u see this and decide too, you can take as long as u need if like ur busy in ur real life, but i would love if u continued them(im probably like no one to u but still gotta say how i feel yk) but um this is long so ima stop typing. love you and ur stories!!

@the_w1ndblows i understand, i mean like if you'd like as a um reader of youra i could like give u some ideas?? idk but yeah no i deff agree with the batfamily and bnha, its been a while since southpark so i understand but if u ever do continue them that'll be amazing but still take ur time or something, i read all your other stories anyways lolz

@the_w1ndblows Hi! Hi! Honestly I'm waiting for inspiration to finish them and redo some of the work. But thank you, Ive been more of a batfamily and bnha crunch