
“Are you sure you want them?”
          	“Yep! They’re gonna be my first pets ever!”
          	“…are you sure? I’m pretty sure that one is blind.”
          	“That’s so mean! Maybe he’s just a little special and you’re just judging him.”
          	“….hes been staring at the wall for quite a while Ambrose..”


hi!! i rlly love your stories, but especially your southpark ones(the alpha and i think beta? ) i rlly like how u did new kid or the reader if u will..and i was wondering if u were ever gonna update/continue them? i rlly like them, i mean like its totally chill if u dont work on them anymore..but if u see this and decide too, you can take as long as u need if like ur busy in ur real life, but i would love if u continued them(im probably like no one to u but still gotta say how i feel yk) but um this is long so ima stop typing. love you and ur stories!!


@the_w1ndblows i understand, i mean like if you'd like as a um reader of youra i could like give u some ideas?? idk but yeah no i deff agree with the batfamily and bnha, its been a while since southpark so i understand but if u ever do continue them that'll be amazing but still take ur time or something, i read all your other stories anyways lolz


            Hi! Hi!
            Honestly I'm waiting for inspiration to finish them and redo some of the work. 
            But thank you, Ive been more of a batfamily and bnha crunch 


Hey so I know it’s been a while but you know your book ‘You wanted a villian [ invader zim x South Park crossover]’ I was wondering if you ever going to finish that story on AO3 I just wanted to know since I really liked it and enjoyed it a lot if you ever need help with it I will gladly help you I was just wondering I did make a comment on it recently just I have a different username on there than I do here I also understand if you don’t I just wanted to know especially since I enjoy it a lot almost as much as I enjoyed your alpha story heck I think I like it a little bit more but I also understand since you have a personal life other than just making strories for you and people to enjoy just wondering no pressure I hope you have a good day and enjoy your life sorry this is a long message


i just finished chapter 11 of ur gravity falls book. I LOVE YOUR BOOK SM!! it’s definitely the best gravity falls fanfic i’ve ever read :)


Awwwwwww thank you!


“Are you sure you want them?”
          “Yep! They’re gonna be my first pets ever!”
          “…are you sure? I’m pretty sure that one is blind.”
          “That’s so mean! Maybe he’s just a little special and you’re just judging him.”
          “….hes been staring at the wall for quite a while Ambrose..”


“Hey grunkle Stan? What does [M/N] do on his days off?”
          “Huh? How should I know?” 
          “ isn’t he your ward for the summer?”
          “Hey, as long as he’s back before the street lights come on and with all limbs, I get paid.” 


@FearTheHime this is foreshadowing. I feel it in my bones 


if I were to write another cartoon, but actually follows plot and such, Hybrid or human? I don't mind either but like what do you guys want?


I actually have one planned in more august setting and be released by then 


@FearTheHime want..can I order uhh some Honkai star rail fic?(But if it's a cartoon related fic I have no idea)