

Name: Beestar  
          Age: 28 moons
          Rank" Either leader or warrior please :3
          Mate : None
          Clan: Meadow clan
          Appearance: a light orange Tom with black stripes going across his back. has stone cold amber eyes (not really but you get the gist  ) Known for his stinging retorts to others. 
          Kits: ; - ; None. (So lonleh)


          Age:25 moons
          Rank:Is anyone leader of Duskclan?
          Appearance :A dark brown tabby with white paws,and underbelly, known for her star on her shoulder,with her piercing blue gaze
          Personality :Cold towards other unless you get to know her,respectful, kind,brave,loyal to her clan
          Is the spot for DuskClan's leader open?


Name: White Paw
          Age: 7 Moons
          Gender:  Female
          Rank: Can I be leader?
          Clan: MeadowClan
          Mate: No one yet
          Crush: No one yet
          Looks: Is blond/Red with a very long tail to attack or to pick up kits for fun
          Personality: Very serious but can be very energetic. Always wanted to love someone but is scared to talk to toms if she is not acting like her normal serious self
          Kits: None