this message may be offensive
I was tagged by @kingdomdance for 20 facts so here we go
1. I live in NZ
2. I'm South Korean
3. I cried 3 times from watching BH6
4. I'm eating chicken noodles
5. I procrastinate a lot
6. I wear glasses
8. I have three Tumblr accounts
9. I like potatoes
10. I'm off my break holiday now so I'll be back writing more shit
11. I'm still in High School
12. I'll totally go bi for Tooth, Astrid and Camicazi
13. I adore badass girls
14. Lol. I lost a few followers from my break
15. I ship all canon and most crossovers
16. I really wanna watch Age of Ultron
17. I have trust issues
18. I love music
19. I have an Olaf, a Toothless and a Baymax plushi :)
20. This is all I can think of.
I tag: @RedFluffyPie, @Angely0122, @westerguard, @Rainbowsnowcone, @sparklyblood, @rainydae, @ArcherAngel12, @EvynlinDiae, @the100thbookreader, @HiccunzelandJarida, @PeppermintFloss, @AikoMiyazxki, @IanaFate,
and that's all the people I can think of sorry.