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Gn bcs why am I actually considering continuing ‘You’re Mine’ and ‘The Future Awaits’??? Like the urge is high but I know I’ll get bored w it again so IM STRUGGLING depending on responses(if I fucking get any—and no, not you Mr. J you know who you are) I may or may not continue it. Don’t get your hopes up, but do know I am totally considering it!!! I love y’all so much, and I do miss posting here, so uh yk!!!!

@FeelingMothy Honestly it depends on what you wanna do although I really loved the 'You're mine' this is your choice and if you want to continue it then go for it ofc I will read it if there are any updates I'm very interested in the story lol but if not then that's fine making stories can be very draining and make you feel tired lol and also school is also another thing to worry about so honestly it's all up to you but I will support you no matter what