I just found this story but you never finished it….any plans on completing it?
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Hey just wondering for totally inconspicuous reasons– how do we feel about seasonal specials? You know, like when a series (usually a tv show) makes like a Christmas special? Just wondering for reasons totally unrelated to Noona. Mhm. Yupyupyup.
I think if you were to hypothetically *wink wink * do that for Noona it would be a lovely idea!
@FeistyPeanut I love those sort of things! I hope you're doing well ️️ sorry that turned out kinda creepy meh! Tootles
I just found this story but you never finished it….any plans on completing it?
Hey just wondering for totally inconspicuous reasons– how do we feel about seasonal specials? You know, like when a series (usually a tv show) makes like a Christmas special? Just wondering for reasons totally unrelated to Noona. Mhm. Yupyupyup.
I think if you were to hypothetically *wink wink * do that for Noona it would be a lovely idea!
@FeistyPeanut I love those sort of things! I hope you're doing well ️️ sorry that turned out kinda creepy meh! Tootles
I may or may not already have written the blurb for the ending of Noona and ooooooh boy are you guys in for a trip. I can't WAIT to see your reactions to the twists that are coming I also wanted to thank all of you for your kind words of understanding and encouragement after I announced my hiatus. I'm really lucky and grateful to have such sweet and understanding readers <3. At the same time, I wanted to give you guys a little update so you have an idea of how much longer you guys will need to wait: I think Noona won't be finished in 2022, but rather at the start of next year ^^' I'm really sorry if that's longer than you wanted to wait! But I'm thinking of maybe writing and releasing a few bonus chapters that don't necessarily progress the plot so you guys have a little something from me while you wait (for example, flashback chapters to let us look into what happened between Seonghwa and Hongjoong after Bosam called Hongjoong out for neglecting his friendship with Hwa, what Chaewon and Yeosang were like back when they dated, how they became a couple, and how their break up went down, and even what happened between Yunho and Rowoon the night Bosam left to go pick up drunk Jiho). Would you guys like that? Or should I just include them in the finished story? Sorry again for the long wait
@FeistyPeanut I agree with them. I just love this story, and them... And you! :) Thanxx!
@FeistyPeanut I would little burbs that fill in the gaps! But do whatever is easiest for you! And this story is totally worth the wait, so take as long as you need!
Hey guys. Sorry, I don't think I'll be able to update this week. Honestly, I've been debating going on hiatus to just write a whole bunch of chapters that I can release weekly again, like I had been doing since the start of the year (there was something about bringing you guys good, consistent weekly updates without fail that brought me a lot of satisfaction). But like I told you guys in an author's note a few chapters ago: I had written a bunch of those chapters a good while ago. Not all of them, but the first few were completely done, making me able to write chapters weeks ahead of the time they'd be released, giving me with a lot of time go edit them and not put out something I wasn't 100% percent happy with, or left me at a loss about what to do next chapter. I had time to figure it out. But then I ran out of those chapters and had to write and edit chapters within a week, while also having a good idea of what was coming next, and keeping up with school and work. School is getting to a very busy point right now, and I keep writing whenever I can, but I really don't like having the uncertainty of "am I gonna be able to update this week? Can I finish this chapter on time?"
If cutting down on how frequently you post a chapter makes things more manageable for you, go for it! As a reader and big fan of your writing, I’d rather you feel 100% satisfied with the content you release, without feeling stressed or pressed for time. I’ll definitely take your advice and reread the story again to pick up on some clues!
Also, I want to say we're beginning to approach the end of this book, but in reality, the end is only starting to show up on the horizon. We still have like... at LEAST ten chapters before the end. Since we're starting to near the end though, I want to give you, my followers, a special tip: you might want to reread the story so far. If you pay enough attention, some of you may have already figured out the biggest mystery in this story. Something big is coming, and I want you to know something: the devil's in the details. If you see a detail that at first seems to go nowhere, picture it more like long strings I'm setting up that eventually tie everything together. A few strings have already been tied up nicely (example: Chaewon is the ex girlfriend Yeosang mentioned in the chapter "Difficult Things"), but there are another few that still feel like they need to be resolved. So if you reread the story and see a detail that seems like it went no where... just know, it might have a much bigger role in the story than you might think, and remember, jealousy can lead someone to do horrible things, and what "needs" to happen hasn't happened yet.
I don't want you guys to think this is stressing me out. Honestly, writing this doesn't bring me the same joy it did when I started writing it– it brings me MORE! Reading your comments, seeing your reactions, getting notifications that some of you vote within the minute I update... I can't put into words how happy all of it makes me. I literally giggle at some of the stuff y'all say. When I'm having a rough day, a wattpad notification always makes my face light up. This is my passion project, and writing lets me tune away from the real world for a little while and into my own little world. Damn, I love literature. And I love you guys, and I really don't want to leave you hanging for possibly months while I gather another bunch of chapters. So the other thing I've been thinking about is changing my update schedule to once every two weeks instead of once a week (so basically, twice a month). It's what I've ended up doing lately anyway, even though I was trying to still do it weekly. For now I'll try to update once every two weeks instead of weekly. Hopefully, it'll be enough time for me to write and edit, and bring you semi frequent, but consistent updates.
I was watching a tiktok on my FYP that was the pause game with Ateez, party version (if you don't know what that is, basically it asks a question like "who invites you to the party?" And then it quickly shows a bunch of pics of all the members, randomly, and you're supposed to pause and whichever picture it stops on, that's who does what the question proposed) AND WHEN I TELL YOU THE CHOICES I ACCIDENTALLY PICKED WERE JUICY AF It lowkey made me want to write a short story about it lmaooo. No but seriously, I've always been a fan of "choose your own adventure" stories, where you as the reader get to make choices that affect the story. SOOOOO WHAT I'M SAYING IS, SHOULD I DO THAT? It would probably be something short and fun that will take me (sparkle emoji) months (sparkle emoji) to put out buuuut Should I???
@FeistyPeanut It sounds like you have already started writing it or atleast started a mental outline. That spark of interest can be such a delightful adventure. I'de say go for it! I know I'll read it ASAP
Ohhh that would be fun! Only if you’re up for it since you did say it takes a lot of time
The next two chapters for Noona are kinda short. Definitely shorter than usual... crazy idea, what if I gave y'all a double update this Thursday?
@Martha_7783 AWW that is so sweet! Say less bestie, double update this week it is. Would you mind if I shouted you out in my author's note at the end of the next chapter?
@FeistyPeanut wait.... Checks date in rt... *GASP* Yes please! This story is the only one I keep open and check daily for activity. It feels like an Idols Comeback when I happen to catch the drop within the first 24 hours
thank you so much for reading sticky notes! you have no idea how much i appreciate it! <3
@luhanwrites I just found your book and I love itt I hope u get the recommendation because the book have potential ❤️
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