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NAH MAN I FORGOT THIS ACCOUNT EXISTED I JUST RECENTLY GOT IN THE MOOD FOR WRITING LMAO Hhh I'm going to write future things soon cause I'm bored and I always have random ideas- I was pretty dumb back then Idk if anyone even knows of this account cause of how I barely even spoke or updated anything here lol We are also a System (Well we don't know what kind of system we are yet grr-) So Other alters won't really know how to come up with ideas other then Me(Azzy or however y'all wanna call me-) or some other alter idk Hhhh- Idk what to write for now uhh if anyone knows about this account and has any ideas please tell me Although don't expect a really quick reply since notifications are an asshole with us FR- Peace out hope y'alls days or nights go swell ~Azzy