Hello everyone. It’s been a while :) I just want to say thank you so much for all the love you guys gave me for all my stories. Originally I unpublished so I could edit them, but now I just dont have time any more. I’m at a point in my life where I cant find the time to write. It sucks because writing was an outlet for me. I still write sometimes, but it all stays in the confines of my phone notes. I can’t put the energy into something thats going to be published. So, this means all of my stories will be unpublished. I dislike them greatly as I’ve grown a lot as a writer. It’s hard to explain why I don’t want them up anymore. Because if I’m leaving why don’t i keep them up? I dont know how to convey why into words. It’s complicated but I really don’t want to keep them up. Maybe ill come back one day? Maybe I’ll rewrite them when I have the time and I can bring back something even greater. However that is not promised. All of the people who have read my stories mean the whole world to me. Reading comments and stuff has gotten me through a lot of hard times. I’m sorry for the bad news and I hope yall can forgive me one day. Anyways my name is Angel and I hope you all have a lovely life. Stan Stray kids

@FelixFreckles89 Was just looking for one of your books as well, I really did enjoy your books and I totally understand the not 'wanting them up' whatever is comfortable to you ♡ Take care of yourself and don't stress over it, I hope you can find joy in writing again even if it is new books, entirely new genres or not even about skz STAY healthy and happy ♡♡

@FelixFreckles89 it's fine, thank you for feeding us with your writing all this time ㅠ ♡