
To all of my readers:
          	As some of my long-time readers know, my job takes me out of internet range for months at a time, and it is certainly that time of year again.
          	I'll continue writing, but updates aren't gonna happen for a pretty long while. 
          	I've got the next season of Prodigy planned out and the series downloaded so I can write offline, same thing with Archangel and CAOS.
          	Additionally, I've gotten a couple of ideas for other stories based off of other shows I've downloaded.
          	Thank you all for your support and patience, and I apologize for leaving these stories half finished. I promise to finish them as soon as I get back.
          	Feel free to leave any suggestions for scenarios in my existing stories or suggestions for others you'd like to see. It may take me a long while to get around to typing them up, but I'll try my best.
          	You all are the best readers anyone could ask for. 


@Felwhinter I was thinking about Power rangers samurai with the OC having an original chapter


@Felwhinter  I hope it's soon