
*sorry, again. don't know why there's a hyperlink there. just ignore it.


sorry, but how can 'please before you start writing, learn HOW to write' not be an insult. and being the bigger person I am going to apologies. I am really sorry for misinterpreting your message. I'm sure you meant good. I don't like to argue
          ...much. lol, as you can see ^ I like to make my point :) I really don't like fighting with people who in other situations I would probably be friends with.so thanks for the advise, I'll look into 'how to write'. ;D


@JulienCarter sorry, again. The messages above are for you, don't know why they didn't come up on this message board.


@JulienCarter  oh I'm sorry, should I be saying thank you? oh no, what you did deserves so much more! thank you!, thank you for insulting me! god forbid I was hurt and offended by your 'thoughtful' comment and yes, I am childish, you want to know why? because I'm a child! and I am sorry if anything I say is offending you. at least I still have courtesy to say that!


@JulienCarter harsh -_- but also true. in order to write we have to know how to write and in order to know how to write we need to learn from our experiences. as Oscar Wilde once said  'Experience is simply the name we give our mistakes'
          p.s there is also the quote 'if you don't have anything nice to say, don't say anything at all' THAT is something you should take heed to because its called karma! so don't go crying when your nasty comments come back to bite you in the ass! take some construction, for all you know I could be dyslexic or could be a kid on there sisters account and for all you know, you may have just broke a kids dream! so please before you comment, THINK!