
Okay I'm not going to be uploading or updating anything for a little bit as I'm going to be working on a book that I really want to do. So everything I have is currently on hold and I hope you can understand


Okay so sorry for not updating my books my life has just been quite busy recently. Anyways I have a question for you all you see there is this book that I want to write and the question is should I do two versions of the book a futa dom version and a femboy dom version?


So I'm thinking about making a Futa Marvel book with a small harem so tell me what you think about these four girls being the harem for the book
          Jean Grey
          Anna Marie
          Wanda Maximoff
          Natasha Romanoff
          Tell me should I add a couple more girls and if so who?


@Femboy_G0D  if your thinking  about female superheros what about Storm


@Femboy_G0D I think all of these are a great idea


@Femboy_G0D maybe Raven if you are already on the track of DC
            Perhaps you could even throw in Valkyrie