Just a random Ranboo x reader hc.
Song HC song: Prom queen by beach bunny.
You where streaming.
- Puffy said some things
- you ended stream
- Tubbo came into your room and hugged you
- "Ranboos coming over."
- Turns out Ranboo and Tommy where coming
- You guys watch a horror film.
- You get scared and cuddle into ranboo.
- Next day...
You phil and ranboo where in a voice channel together talking about what happened.
Ranboo was in your room with you
"Are you guys together?"
"I mean?"
"Y/n I've liked you for a while now..."
"Same... so yes phill, we are together."
"WHAT" Tommy and tubbo say bursting into your room
"Don't hurt her" tubbo said
"Or else" - tommy
First meet up
"These are my children Angry woman lover, short bee lover and an Aquarius daughter," Phill says into tommys camera.
"And My music child."
"Dadza?" Tubbo says.